Tantra Beat Survey Reports

MWC 2025 – Industry sentiment survey

The mobile industry is at a crossroads with the industry’s biggest event, the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, around the corner. The first phase of 5G is complete in most major markets, 5G Advanced standards are finalized, 6G discussions are starting, and AI is trying to find utility. But there are still a lot of questions about the RoI of the enormous 5G investments operators have already done, what the next phase of 5G will look like, what monetizing opportunities it will bring, as well as when those exotic applications on which 5G was sold will come to fruition.
At this juncture, this survey tries to capture the sentiment of mobile industry participants. This survey report captures what respondents. views on:
• What will be the dominant theme at MWC 2025
• Challenges and likely timelines for 5G Advanced/5.5G, IIoT, Private Networks, Network APIs, and more
• Motivation and likely timelines of 6G